BiblioNevada is an online application for the query of the scientific publications in relation to Biodiversity, Environment and Ecological aspects linked to Global Change in Sierra Nevada. The dataset includes all publications on Sierra Nevada, excluding those related to purely geological aspects (mineralogy or internal geodynamics), to historical aspects not related to the environment or to astronomical research.

Publications produced between 1970 and 2020 have been obtained from the Web of Science and Scopus databases, among others, with a total of 800 records being periodically updated. BiblioNevada allows us to characterise the temporal evolution of the scientific knowledge generated in the environment of the Sierra Nevada Natural Area from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. It also makes it possible to identify the researchers and institutions that have generated this scientific knowledge.
There are two ways of searching for bibliographic references (alphanumeric and graphic) and a form to incorporate publications that complete the bibliographic collection. Likewise, BIBLIONEVADA allows both graphic and alphanumeric downloading of the existing information and of the queries performed.